Lately, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has appeared more often on traditional media, but has refrained from criticizing Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
At the end of the Iranian year on March 20, inflation figures heralded a tough time ahead for ordinary Iranians, as price rises neared 50 percent in the last 12 months.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says Europe has practically pulled out of the nuclear agreement with Iran, and he expects only "backstabbing and treason" from the West.
More than two years into President Donald Trump's administration there is still a great deal of confusion about what, exactly, the White House is seeking to accomplish vis-a-vis the Islamic Republic.
US. and Iranian leaders issued statements or delivered speeches on the occasion of the Iranian New Year or Norooz (Nowrouz), March 21, all vying for the attention and sympathy of the people in Iran.
A right-wing student group in Iran has called on the country's new Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raeesi (Raeisi) to indict his predecessor and another senior politician for being involved in a land-grab case.
In an apparent sign of frustration as a result of his country's ongoing economic problems, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has heightened anti-U.S. rhetoric in his recent speeches.
Iran’s military involvement in Syria and Iraq and assistance to Hezbollah are among the Islamic Republic’s “unique achievements,” according to Chief Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards.
Secretary of Iran's Expediency Discernment Council, Mohsen Rezai, says the EU needs to Guarantee oil purchase from Iran if it wants Iran to ratify the bills required by FATF, the Financial Action Task Force.
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