Iran’s Supreme Leader ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday March 14 told members of the country’s Assembly of Experts “not to be at each other's throats over this or that convention or agreement”.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has lambasted the Islamic Republic for the continuous violation of Iranian citizens' fundamental rights.
A senior U.S. Treasury Department official has told a Congressional subcommittee that U.S. has “engaged extensively with European countries on the significant risks” of providing Iran with a special facility for trade.
The official website of President Hassan Rouhani's administration has deleted a controversial video describing the implications of Rouhani's meeting with Iraq's top Shiite cleric Ayatollah Ali Sistani.
Reports from Tehran say the prime suspect in the financial corruption case involving Iran's petrochemical industry is linked to a body under the aegis of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
U.S. Special Representative Brian Hook questioned President Hassan Rouhani’s “motives” regarding Iraq, while the Iranian leader was visiting the neighboring country.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has arrived in Baghdad for his first official visit to Iraq, state television reported, as Iraq is under pressure from the United States to limit ties with its neighbor.
The outspoken Deputy Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Ali Motahari has called on Iran's new Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raeesi to "stop some wrong practices" in the judicial system
The leading suspect in a controversial financial corruption case in Iran alleged that the trial of suspects in the case has unnecessarily disclosed the identity of a number of individuals involved in circumventing U.S. sanctions.
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says world leaders have contacted him 13 times since March 2017 to encourage him to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump.
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