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A snapshot Of Iranian Elections

03:13 20.5.2017

Tehran governor told ISNA that more than 60% of eligible voters in Tehran cast their ballot. Issa Farhadi added that 50 percent of Tehran’s vote has been counted.

03:03 20.5.2017

​ Iran State TV reporter said the counting commission has not concluded the preliminary result yet and therefore not ready to announce any information

02:59 20.5.2017

NYT's Tehran bureau chief writes: "The election emphasizes a split between those favoring overhauls and those who want to stick to the ideological precepts of the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Mr. Rouhani is seen as more outward-looking, favoring improved relations with other countries and opening up the largely state-run economy. Mr. Raisi favors a more populist, insular approach."

02:25 20.5.2017

Journalists in Tehran at Interior Ministry await some official announcement on the preliminary results

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