Search Help
Search Help
To search, enter a search request in the space provided and click the Search button. The search will return a list of the documents that match your request. To view a document in the list, click on the link. use "quotation marks" around phrases
add + in front of any word or phrase to require it.
add - in front of any word or phrase or to exclude it.
EXAMPLES banana pear "apple pie" - either word or phrase can be present +apple salad cream -pie - salad, cream can be present; apple must be present; pie must not be present Special Characters ? matches any single character. appl? matches apply or apple. = matches any single digit (0-9) === would match any three-digit number. * matches any number of characters. appl*ion matches application. ~~ indicates numeric range 14~~18 looks for 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18
Non-searchable characters: Horizontal Tab, Line Feed, Form Feed, Carriage Return, Space, Backspace, VerticalTab - ! " # $ & ' ( ) * + , . / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~ %