UK Ambassador Says Britain's Position On JCPOA Will Not Change With Brexit

Rob Macaire CMG has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran, undated

Rob Macaire, the UK ambassador in Tehran in reaction to remarks by a member of the Iranian parliament says London’s position over the nuclear agreement is not related to Brexit and in case of the UK leaving the European Union, that position will not change.

The UK ambassador was responding to remarks by Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, a hardliner Iranian politician who had predicted a tougher line against Iran by the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in case the UK leaves the EU.

Macaire wrote in a Persian tweet that this is a “misunderstanding” about “Britain’s positions on Iran and the JCPOA”, or the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers. He added that Britain’s stance “is independent of its membership in the European Union and will remain unchanged”.

The ambassador ended his tweet by saying that the embassy is always available to discuss UK’s policies with Iranian lawmakers.

Falahatpisheh in an interview with parliament’s news website had said that Boris Johnson with his “hard positions against Iran has tried …to please the United States”.

While the UK is a close ally of the United States, it has remained a signatory of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, despite the U.S. withdrawal from the agreement in May 2018.