Top Security Man In Iran Accused Of Corruption By Whistle Blower

Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, undated. File photo

A source “close” to the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani has denied reports that he is involved in self-enrichment and corruption.

“An informed source” has told Iran’s national broadcaster that some individuals are spreading “unsubstantiated” reports to conduct "character assassination against.

A well-connected seminarian, Seyyed Mehdi Sadrolsadati has published posts on his Instagram account in the past two days implicating Shamkhani, his wife and others close to him with a string of corruption business deals.

This is not the first time Sadrolsadati publishes material about corruption among high-ranking officials. He is the son-in-law of Mohammad Reza Modarresi, a member of the conservative and influential Guardian Council.

He has accused Shamkhani and his family of being involved in multiple construction projects, while the former Revolutionary Guard admiral is not known to have been a private businessman or becoming wealthy in any private business.

One allegation says that Shamkhani’s wife own an apartment complex in Tehran’s Fereshteh Avenue worth between $100-200 million, depending how the dollar exchange rate is calculated.

Sadrolsadati has also published what appear to be copies of real estate deeds showing some of the apartments in Tehran belonging to Shamkhanis. He has also accused the family of receiving permits to build complexes in many other parts of Iran.

In past months there have been other accusations about Shamkhani’s son-in-law, Hassan Mir Mohammadali’s involvement in illegal constructions in Lavasan, near Tehran.

In recent years there have been many reports and allegations about senior officials of the Islamic Republic being involved in corruption. Some cases have ended up in courts.