Attacks Across Afghanistan Kill Dozens

The injured receive treatment at a hospital following a suicide attack in Jalalabad on June 11.

A suicide attack in Kabul, a roadside bomb in eastern Ghazni Province, and coordinated attacks in Nangarhar and Kunduz provinces killed at least 33 people on June 11, Afghan officials say.

In Kabul, a suicide attacker blew himself up outside the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, officials said.

A Health Ministry spokesman said 12 people were killed and more than 30 were wounded in the attack outside the ministry in the west of the capital.

The attack occurred as employees were leaving their offices early for Ramadan, police spokesman Hashmat Stanikzai said.

"A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at the entrance gate of the ministry... killing and injuring a number of the employees of the ministry," Stanikzai said.

In northern Kunduz Province, at least 15 members of the Afghan security forces were killed early on June 11 in an attack by Taliban militants on their security post, officials said.

Aminullah Ayaddin, a provincial council member, said the attack in the Qala-e Zal district unfolded as the soldiers gathered to eat a predawn meal before fasting. Ten soldiers and five policemen were killed.

Meanwhile, Jalalabad, the capital of the eastern province of Nangarhar, was also attacked by militants early on June 11, though initial details were unclear. The attack apparently targeted the Education Department in Jalalabad, officials said.

In eastern Ghazni Province, a roadside bomb struck a minibus, killing six people, a local official said.

Arif Noori, a spokesman for the provincial governor, says women and children were among those killed in the explosion. Three people were also injured.

Noori said that elsewhere in Ghazni, at least three local police and 10 Taliban were killed in clashes.

Based on reporting by dpa and AP