Rouhani To Defend the Nuclear Deal At The U.N.G.A.

Iranian president Hassan Rouhani leaving Tehran to participate in the UN General Assembly - September 17, 2017.

While president Donald Trump is expected to focus on Iran and North Korea as the main sources of international threats in his first speech at the next United Nations General Assembly, UNGA , president Hassan Rouhani is set to defend the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, JCPOA, or Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers, at the same forum.

Rouhani arrived in New York on Sunday, September 17, to attend UNGA.

In brief remarks at JFK Airport, Rouhani said, "My goal in this trip is to let the world hear the Iranian nation's voice". He added, " As the Supreme Leader has commanded, our strategy is comprehensive interaction with the world."

Before leaving Tehran, the Islamic President, who has never skipped a UNGA, reiterated, “There’s an international consensus on the fact that JCPOA is in the interest of the international community, its security and stability as well as regional and global development”.

However, President Trump’s administration has accused Tehran of violating the "spirit" of JCPOA and, through its moves and policies, has threatened the regional and international stability.

Nevertheless, the Iranian government’s official news agency, IRNA, has cited Rouhani as saying, “The number of the countries opposing the JCPOA are limited to two or three governments, including the US, where some people are against it.

The reason behind the opposition, Rouhani has maintained is “They feel cheated and kept away from a banquet”.

Rouhani, in an alluring tone has immediately added, “They [the governments opposed to the JCPOA] can also take the right direction. They can also enter the room where there is a set dining table. We are not against their entry [to the feast]”.

Meanwhile, Rouhani has admitted that the JCPOA needs some clarification and that’s why meetings scheduled to discuss it in New York “are very important”.

The Islamic Republic’s president has also insisted that visiting New York gives him a chance to present and explain Iran’s views and positions to the people and media of the US and the world.

Referring to the US government’s position against JCPOA, Rouhani in his meeting with the speaker of Belgian house of representatives on Saturday, had affirmed, “Firstly, we expect the EU to stay fully committed to the JCPOA and, secondly, by sending a decisive message, put pressure on the US to do the same”.

Although Rouhani and his allies have branded the JCPOA as the best approach for the regional and international stability, President Trump’s administration has a different view on it and accuses Tehran of actions against the spirit of the deal. The Islamic republic’s suspicious missile tests, supporting an array of militias in the region and widespread violations of human rights in Iran are included in the cases that Washington believes are against the spirit of the JCPOA.

US allies, France, Germany and the UK, have repeatedly echoed Washington’s concerns. In a joint statement, also endorsed by the US, they described Iran’s ballistic missiles tests as incompatible with the JCPOA.

Yet, indeed, the European allies have also insisted on the necessity of keeping JCPOA intact, noting that they have had discussions on the issue with their American officials.

Responding to the accusations, Tehran has repeatedly insisted that its missiles programs is solely for defensive purposes and Iran has never interfered in other countries’ internal affairs.

Presidents Rouhani and trump are both expected to address this year’s UNGA.

The United Nations’ General Assembly, UNGA, is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN), the only one in which all member nations have equal representation.

The General Assembly’s annual sessions are convened under its president or secretary-general. The annual session convenes on Tuesday of the third week in September. The opening debate begins the following Tuesday

The first UNGA session was convened on 10 January 1946 in the Methodist Central Hall in London and included representatives of 51 nations.