More Iranian Cabinet Ministers Resign Amid Economic Crisis

Iranian President Hassan Rohani on October 14 at Tehran University

Iran's ministers of industry and roads have resigned, in the latest departures from President Hassan Rohani's government.

In a statement posted on the presidential website October 20, Rohani thanked Industry Minister Mohammad Shariatmadari and Roads Minister Abbas Akhoundi for their "selfless service" and "sincere efforts."

The two ministers reportedly handed in their resignations over a month ago as lawmakers were gearing up for impeachment hearings.

Rohani's labor and economy ministers were forced to resign in August, with lawmakers angry over their handling of the country's economic crisis.

The crisis has been fueled in part by the United States decision to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal and reimpose economic sanctions.

The U.S. decision to pull out of the deal has put major pressure on Rohani, who had lobbied hard for the deal despite opposition from Iranian hard-liners.

Rohani himself was summoned to answer questions in parliament in August, the first time that's happened during his five years in power.

Based on reporting by AFP and Reuters