Lawyer Of Iranian-French Academic Being Tried In Tehran Raises Hopes For Her Freedom

Fariba Adelkhah (file photo)

The lawyer of an Iranian-French academic being tried in Tehran on security charges says he expects the court in charge of the case to issue its ruling in the coming days.

Fariba Adelkhah’s lawyer told AFP by telephone that Branch 15 of Tehran's Revolutionary Court held a session in her trial on April 19 -- the second since her trial began last month.

Describing the hearing as "satisfactory," the lawyer, Said Dehghan, raised hopes for Adelkhah's freedom and said he expected the court's decision within a week.

Adelkhah is a research director at Sciences Po university in Paris and is an expert on Iran and Shi'ite Islam.

She was arrested in June 2019 along with fellow researcher Roland Marchal.

Adelkhah is accused of "propaganda against the system" and "colluding to commit acts against national security."

Marchal, who was accused of "colluding to commit acts against national security," was allowed to return home to France last month after being released in a prisoner swap between Paris and Tehran.

Adelkhah had been in "high spirits" since Marchal's release, AFP quoted Dehghan as saying.

Iran, which does not recognize dual citizenship, had repeatedly rejected calls from Paris to release the two.

The country has arrested dozens of dual nationals in recent years on alleged espionage charges.

Iranian authorities have not provided any solid evidence to back up their claims.

Based on reporting by AFP