IRGC Commander Threatens 'Dominance' Over The U.S. In Mideast

Brigadier general Hossein Salami, second-in-command of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Deputy Commander of Iran's IRGC has issued new threats against the United States, hours before additional sanctions come into play against the Islamic Republic.

Speaking in Tehran on Sunday, Brigadier General Hossein Salami said that Iran's power has reached a level, that "we can threaten the vital interests" of a country such as the U.S.

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps commander added, "Our enemies intend to isolate us like an island but today the page has turned and Americans themselves are being gradually isolated, as even their traditional allies" are distancing themselves from the U.S.

Threatening more directly, Salami claimed that "battle with the Islamic Republic will take the war beyond the region" and "if we want, in a short time we can establish dominance over the U.S. in the Middle East".

Iranian leaders and particularly IRGC officials often make threatening remarks about the U.S. and its allies in the region.

Salami made the remarks on a day when the authorities in Iran organize anti-U.S. gatherings nationwide, unleashing slogans to mark the 1979 seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran. The unprecedented act condoned by the top leader of the Iranian revolution, ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini led to a breakdown of diplomatic ties and decades of adversarial relations with the U.S.

Iran's Supreme Leader, ayatollah Ali Khamenei also attacked the United States and President Donald Trump a day earlier, on November 3, criticizing those who advocate negotiations with Washington.