IRGC Appoints New Close Protection Unit Commander

IRGC Commander Brigadier General Fathollah Jomeiri Undated

Brigadier General Fathollah Jomeiri has been appointed as the new commander of the IRGC's Security (also known as the Close Protection Unit].

Mehr news agency reported on Saturday 20 that the commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has appointed Jomeiri to his new post.

The IRGC Security Force or Close Protection Unit assigns bodyguards and security officers to top military and civilian officials as well as protecting strategic spots such as airports.

Jomeiri replaced Brigadier General Ali Nasiri. IRGC offered no explanation about why Nasiri was removed or what his next position will be.

According to Mehr, Jomeiri will also hold his other post as the commander of the IRGC's al-Ghadir brigade in Iran's Yazd Province.