Iran Demands Immediate Release Of Three Detainees By Saudi Arabia

Islamic Republic’s Interior Ministry on Wednesday claimed that the person who was killed and three others who were arrested by Saudi Arabia’s border guards were fishermen and while demanding reparations, asked for the immediate release of the detainees and punishment of those responsible.

The ministry did not mention Saudi allegations that the three detainees were members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and the boats they were using were full of weapons.

The announcement by Iran says that three Iranian fishing boats left the port of Bushehr on June 15 but high waves pushed two of them to the maritime border with Saudi Arabia. The announcement does not mention if the boats actually entered Saudi territorial waters or not, but adds that Saudi border protection opened fire on the boats. One person, Mahmood Siamar, was wounded by a bullet and then died in the boat.

The Iranian version of events says that Siamar’s son was able to steer the boat away from the spot and return to port.

The interior ministry says that three occupants of the other boat, Hossein Aslani, Sohrab Aslani and Hossein Zare’i were arrested by the Saudi border guard.

The day after the incident some local Iranian sources reported that an Iranian fisherman was killed by Saudi guards and the whereabouts of three others remained unclear. Two days later, the foreign and interior ministries confirmed one person dead and three others arrested.

Later, Saudi Arabia’s intelligence ministry announced that it had arrested three Revolutionary Guards who were coming dangerously close to oil rigs in the sea, with bots full of weapons.

The Revolutionary Guard Corps have denied that three of its members have been arrested.

Relations between the Islamic Republic and Saudi Arabia are very tense in the last few weeks and many Iranian officials have been accusing Riyadh of conspiring and plotting against Iran.