Quds Force Chief Tells Trump Iran Ready To Confront U.S.

Iran -- Iranian major general and the commander of Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, undated.

Iran -- Iranian major general and the commander of Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, undated.


A top Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) commander says his forces are ready to confront U.S. forces should President Donald Trump act on his warning that Tehran will “suffer consequences” if it threatens the United States.

“Mr. Trump, how dare you threaten us?” Qassem Soleimani, who leads the IRGC’s elite foreign-operations Quds force, was quoted as saying on July 26.

"We are near you, where you can't even imagine ... Come. You will start the war, but it is us who will end it, “ Soleimani said in a speech in the central city of Hamedan.

He made the remarks in response to a July 22 all-capital-letters post on Twitter by Trump in which Trump warned Iran not to "threaten the United States again or you will suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before."

Trump's tweet came following comments by Iran’s President Hassan Rohani who said: "America should know peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars."

Soleimani called Trump a "gambler" and said his language belongs in "nightclubs."

"We’re ready to stand against you," Soleimani, who has been blacklisted by Washington, added.

Rohani said on July 25 that Trump’s "empty" threats did not deserve an answer.

Iran's governmental IRNA news agency reported that, after Rohani mentioned "baseless comments" by "some U.S. leaders," he told a cabinet meeting "there is no need for us to respond to any nonsensical comment and answer back to them."

Soleimani said he’s responding to Trump "as a soldier."

"Don’t threaten to kill us; we’re thirsty for martyrdom," he was quoted as saying by the hard-line IRGC affiliated Fars news agency.

Following his Twitter warning, Trump suggested on July 24 that he’s ready to talk to, saying "we're ready to make a real deal."

In May, Trump withdrew the United States from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and announced that the United States is moving to reimpose tough sanctions.

With reporting by Reuters,AP, Tasnim and Fars