In Controversial Move, Iran's New Female Vice President Ordered To Wear Chador

In a photo posted to an Iranian government website, Vice President Laya Joneydi is shown wearing a chador, which covers the entire body and only leaves the face exposed.

Before she was appointed as Iran’s vice president for legal affairs, law expert and college professor Laya Joneydi followed the obligatory Islamic dress code by covering her hair with a scarf and wearing a coat and pants to cover her body.

In announcing her appointment to the cabinet, the Iranian government website posted a statement and a photo of Joneydi wearing the chador, which covers women from head to toe and leaves only the face exposed.

Social-media users were quick to point out that Joneydi had overnight become a so-called chadori, an expression used in Iran to refer to women who choose to wear the chador promoted by conservatives as the "superior hijab" and the best protection for women.

Read the full text of this article on RFE/RL.