Iran's Rhetoric Continues As Trump Policy Statement Approaches

As the deadline approaches for President Donald Trump to announce his administration’s position regarding Iran and the 2015 nuclear deal, the rhetoric from the Islamic Republic becomes louder.

On Tuesday, the senior spokesman for Iran’s armed forces warned the U.S. not to threaten the Islamic Republic and declared that Iranian forces would teach the U.S. “new lessons”.

Masoud Jazayeri added, "It seems the Trump administration only understands swear words, and needs some shocks to understand the new meaning of power in the world".

Two days earlier, the commander of the IRGC threatened U.S. forces with missile attacks, if his army is listed as a terrorist organization.

Another powerful Iranian official said that Iran will keep “all options on table” if president Trump designates the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, IRGC, as a terrorist organization.

Ali Akbar Velayati, a top advisor to Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, also said, "The Americans are too small to be able to harm the Revolutionary Guards".

The chief of Iran’s nuclear agency, Ali Akbar Salehi also warned the U.S. against undermining the nuclear agreement, saying that Washington’s global standing will suffer. He called the Trump’s position as “delusionary negative posturing”.

The IRGC is already under unilateral American sanctions, but recent reports indicate president Trump intends to designate the elite army as a terrorist organization, which would have implication in Syria and Iraq, where both the U.S. armed forces and the IRGC are operating.

While harsh words continued by military and national security officials in Iran, Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister assured that the world has nothing to worry about Iran’s armed forces.

In an article published in the Atlantic on Monday, Zarif said: "No party or country need fear our missiles … unless it intends to attack our territory."

With reporting by Reuters, AP, Iranian agencies