Iran Chief Justice Accuses Rouhani Of Acting Against The Law

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Chief Justice Sadeq Amoli Larijani

At the Nationwide Annual Conference of the Judicial Branch of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the head of Iran's judiciary, Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani accused President Hassan Rouhani of acting against the law

Mr Amoli Larijani said that the president, through his government’s efforts toward creating a "Citizens' Rights Headquarters" is circumventing the country's law:

“The ‘Citizens’ Rights Headquarters’ is creating a national institution parallel to the [already existing] High Council for Human Rights, Judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” Amoli Larijani said on Sunday, July 2, adding, “This is an unlawful move and it is against sharia (religious law).”

The head of the judiciary called the government to present any proposals they have on the subject to the judiciary’s High Council for Human Rights.

During his first campaign for the presidency, Hassan Rouhani, had promised, if elected, to present a bill for creating a "National Institution for Citizens' Rights", within his first 100 days of presidency.

The bill never materialized. Yet, in December 2015, Rouhani’s administration published a non-binding statement labelled as the ‘Citizens’ Rights Charter’.

The Charter accentuates on respecting women, minorities and ethnic rights in Iran. Its article three also states that citizens' individual and public liberties are "immune" from attacks and that "no citizen should be deprived of these freedoms."

Furthermore article 25 asserts that the "inquisition of ideas is prohibited," adding that "no one should be harassed and reprimanded over [his or her] ideas."

The Charter led to the Conservatives’ widespread criticism, including a member of the Guardian Council, Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi who branded it as ‘presidential propaganda’ and ‘unlawful’.

Rouhani has not yet responded to his conservative opponents’ recent criticism. Apparently, he has preferred to limit his responses to implicit denunciation of his adversaries.

The president, attending the Nationwide Annual Conference of the Judicial Branch of the Islamic Republic of Iran, praised Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, JCPOA, or Iran’s nuclear deal with world power, as his government’s great achievement:

“"The administration lifted the nuclear sanctions with the Supreme Leader's guidance and alongside other branches," immediately asserting, “"Sacrifices and great services of the judicial branch must not be harmed by small mistakes".

Wrapping up his speech in a conciliatory tone, Rouhani said, “The judicial branch can provide the required security for economy and investment. We are all responsible to help the judicial branch. Branches have never sought to defame each other but we must have greater cooperation with each other”.