Iran FM Spokesman Blasts Pompeo’s 'Propaganda Show Against Iran'

Abbas Mousavi, the spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry harshly criticized the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's December 19 remarks about Iran. FILE PHOTO

Iran’ Foreign Ministry spokesman in a statement today harshly criticized the U.S. Secretary of State for his criticism of Iran’s human rights violations in a speech in Washington yesterday.

In his speech Pompeo at a symposium in Washington said the protests in November “signaled the Iranian people just had enough” and are “fed up with regime’s economic failures, they’re fed up with the regime that denies them basic fundamental human dignity”.

The symposium at the State Department was dedicated to examining Iran’s human rights violations.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif in November had denounced the U.S. support for protesters.

In his statement the Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Abbas Mousavi called Pompeo’s speech a “propaganda show against Iran” and referring to Pompeo’s move from the the CIA to the State Department called the CIA a “hellish, deceitful, and torturer organization” that favors overthrowing other governments.

Charging that Pompeo is not “on a par with any foreign minister in the world” Mousavi said the U.S. Secretary of State has brought his hellish thoughts from the CIA to the civilized field of diplomacy.

“Foreign ministers are usually harbingers of peace, reconciliation, dialogue, and respect, but Mr. Pompeo is the mouthpiece of [those who] bully, deceive, humiliate and insult with an angry, aggressive, ignorant, and extremist language,” he added.

Mousavi said Americans will get nowhere by using these methods. “So far, the only image they have presented to the people and elite of the U.S. and the world is nothing other than the image of an inefficient, delusional, chaotic, static, and bullying diplomacy and foreign policy,” he added.

In his speech yesterday Pompeo promised Iranians that the U.S. is with them. “America hears you, America supports you, America stands with you. We do so for the sake of freedom, for the sake of human dignity, for the sake of respect”.

He also announced three new measure taken against Iran including visa restrictions for the family members of Iranian officials involved in suppression of peaceful protests, and Treasury sanctions against two judges for their role in the regime’s show trials.