Iran Diplomats Say Rejection of US Resolution To Extend Arms Embargo 'No To Unilateralism'

U.S. -- Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations Majid Takht-Ravanchi speaks to the media outside Security Council chambers at the U.N. headquarters in New York, June 24, 2019

Top Iranian diplomats reacted to the United Nations Security Council’s rejection of a United States-led resolution to extend an arms embargo on Iran, saying it was a "no to unilateralism" and a sign of the "isolation of the United States.”

Majid Takht-Ravanchi, the Iranian envoy to the U.N., wrote in a tweet on Saturday that "the result of the vote in UNSC on arms embargo against Iran shows—once more—the US' isolation.” Takht-Ravanchi added that the Security Council's message by the vote was "no to unilateralism" and the U.S. "must learn from this debacle.”

"The U.S. attempt to ‘snapback’ sanctions is illegal, and was rejected by international community, as was evident today," Takht-Ravanchi wrote.

On Friday, the Security Council rejected the U.S.-sponsored resolution to extend an arms embargo on Iran that is due to expire in October.

The August 14 vote on the resolution was widely expected to fail in the 15-member Security Council, due to strong opposition from veto-wielding members Russia and China.

Iran Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Seyed Abbas Mousavi also tweeted following the vote, writing that the international community "once again and with a clear voice, rejected the US reckless and futile attempt to undermine the [Security Council’s] credibility.”

"The American regime should take a lesson from its total failures and stop shaming itself at the U.N. or be isolated, even more than now," Mousavi wrote, adding in another tweet that "the U.S. has never been this isolated in the 75-year history of the U.N."