Iranian University Adds Restrictions To Dress Code For Women And Men

Students protest at Tehran University on Dec. 30, 2017.

The Azad University system in Iran has issued a guideline restricting the dress code for its male and female students.

Based on the new instructions, the female lecturers and students are not allowed to wear loose dresses in the common areas of dormitories, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) affiliated Fars News Agency (FNA) reported on Saturday, November 3.

Furthermore, female students are prohibited to wear short sleeve mantos (manteau, or a loose dress that hides the curves of the body). Wearing Mantos with lively colors and thin body cloaks, as well as using "excessive" jewelry and heavy makeup have also been forbidden.

Meanwhile, male students should avoid "unconventional" hair styles, very short sleeve shirts and tight pants, boxer shorts, low seat pants, ties and bow ties.

Azad University is led by the conservative former foreign minister (1981-1997), U.S. educated physician 73-year old Ali Akbar Velayati.
Dr. Velayati is renowned for having more than twenty official posts, including senior adviser to the Islamic Republic's Supreme Leader (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) in international affairs.

Universities have been a hotbed of opposition to the Islamic Republic in the past twenty years. Earlier this year, hundreds of students were arrested during nationwide protests.

Meanwhile, Velayati has been on the official "Wanted List" of Interpol since March 2007, for allegations of "Aggravated Murder and Damages" related to the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) bombing, July8, 1994, that left 85 people dead and hundreds injured.

The arrest warrant is based on the allegation that senior Iranian officials planned the attack in an August 1993 meeting, including the Supreme Leader Khamenei, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, then president, Ali Fallahian, then intelligence minister, and Velayati, then foreign minister.