Teahouse Arson Blaze Kills Eleven In Ahvaz

Arson blaze in a teahouse in Ahvaz killed at least 11 people on Tuesday, April 03, 2018.

An arson blaze in a teahouse in the southern Iranian city of Ahvaz has left at least eleven people dead.

The Ahvaz fire department spokesman has told Iran’s ISNA that the blaze was heavy and strong. As soon as firemen arrived at the scene, they were confronted by a raging fire, which had engulfed the whole teahouse.

The official Iran daily newspaper reported on its Telegram app channel that the initial investigation points to a former disgruntled employee for starting the blaze by using gasoline. He is related to the owner of the teahouse and wanted revenge.

Ahvaz police chief Col. Mohammad Safari said the suspect was arrested less than an hour after the incident, since eyewitnesses had identified the perpetrator.

The blaze began after midnight on Tuesday, April 3, and was put out quickly but in the meantime eleven people lost their lives and 14 were injured; including three firemen.

Fars news agency quotes an Emergency Services official as saying that some of the injured are in critical condition.

Based on reporting by ISNA, Iran Newspaper, Fars and AP