Fields Medal Stolen From Kurdish Mathematician In Rio

--- Caucher Birkar, a Cambridge University professor of Iranian Kurdish origin, was named Wednesday one of four winners of mathematics' prestigious Fields medal, often known as the Nobel prize for math.

--- Caucher Birkar, a Cambridge University professor of Iranian Kurdish origin, was named Wednesday one of four winners of mathematics' prestigious Fields medal, often known as the Nobel prize for math.

RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 1 (Reuters)

A winner of the Fields Medal, often called the 'Nobel Prize of mathematics,' had his prize stolen shortly after receiving it during a ceremony in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday.

Caucher Birkar, a Kurdish refugee from Iran teaching at Cambridge University, put the gold medal, worth around $4,000, in a briefcase and soon afterward realized that it had been stolen, according to event organizers.

Security officials at the Riocentro venue, Riocentro, found the empty briefcase in a nearby pavillion. Police reviewed security tapes and identified two potential suspects.

"The International Congress of Mathematicians is profoundly sorry about the disappearance of the briefcase belonging to mathematician Caucher Birkar, which contained his Fields Medal from the ceremony this morning," organizers said in a note.

It was the first time that the awards, held every four years, were hosted in the southern hemisphere.

(Reporting by Rodrigo Viga Gaier; Editing by Richard Chang)