Doctors In Iran Condemn Violent Suppression Of Protests, Failed Policies

Anti-government protests of November 2019 in Iran. FILE PHOTO

In a statement released today 150 Iranian Doctors condemned the security forces’ harsh suppression of popular protests in November.The statement also says the regime is responsible for “Iranophobia both in the region and internationally”.

“Regular and disguised military, law enforcement and security forces opened fire on the people and used the destruction and rioting of a few opportunists as an excuse to attribute the rightful protest of the people to foreign [powers],” the statement said.

“Our country with God-given abundant resources should have enjoyed a much better situation than it does now. Unfortunately, our statesmen with costly and fruitless adventurism have repeatedly pushed the country to the brink of the abyss.”

The group blames Iran’s situation to “mismanagement”, which has contributed to the crisis.

The signatories of the statement have criticized the rulers of the country “who do not seem to ever take a lesson” from their “costly adventurism”. They allege that the regime has had to consent to “negotiations and make a lot of concessions to buy time” while the main issue is Iranophobia emanating from adventurism that leads to “domestic instability and creation of enemies abroad”.

The 150 doctors who have signed the statement have said that Iranian people want peace and stability and warned the regime that anger caused by unemployment, poverty and drug addiction boiling is brewing in the Iranian society.

They have also demanded the release of innocent protesters arrested since November 15 and punishment for those responsible for killing protesters.