Tehran Denies Sending Russian Arms To Armenia Via Iran

Mahmoud Vaezi, current Chief of Staff of the President of Iran

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's Chief of Staff, Mahmoud Vaezi, denied several reports on Wednesday, September 30, that Iran is assisting Armenia in its war with the neighboring Republic of Azerbaijan.

Vaezi dismissed the reports as "baseless rumors" aimed at disrupting Tehran-Baku relations.

In a phone call with Azerbaijan's Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafayev today, Vaezi stressed that the "Republic of Azerbaijan has an important and special place in Iran's foreign policy."

Following the recent deadly conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Araz News, a website of the Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO), an exiled separatist group of Iranian Azaris, published videos and photos on Monday of trucks allegedly carrying arms and equipment to Armenia.

Earlier, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Saeed Khatibzadeh, also rebuffed the allegations, saying the transit of conventional non-military items through Iran to the neighboring countries has always been underway.

"The mentioned trucks are crossing Iran simply within the same framework," Khatibzadeh said on Tuesday.

Iran monitors and controls the transportation and transit of commodities to other countries within the country's borders "and does not allow our country's soil to be used for the transfer of arms and ammunition whatsoever," Iranian local news outlets cited Khatibzadeh as saying.

Clashes broke out on the front line between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the volatile Nagorno-Karabakh region on Sunday. The mountainous region is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan but controlled by Armenian forces.

Iran, which has traditionally taken a pro-Armenian approach in the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute, has been trying for years to persuade its two northern neighbors to end the conflict.

Vaezi voiced concern over the Azerbaijan-Armenia clashes, saying Iran closely monitors the developments, the state-run Mehr News Agency (MNA) reported today.