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Top Iran Security Official Claims A Planned Attack On Oil Installations Thwarted

Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran. File photo
Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran. File photo

The Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani has made a statement Monday that “a planned attack” on the country’s oil installations in Asaluyeh on the Persian Gulf was thwarted.

The statement referred to by Tasnim news agency close to IRGC is vague, not mentioning when the attack was supposed to take place or who was behind it. However, he says, “The enemy intended to do what Yemen’s Ansar Allah did to Saudi installation and take revenge”.

This is a reference to the destructive drone and missile attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities that Western countries and their Arab allies have blamed on Iran. However, Tehran insists that it had nothing to do with the strikes and Yemeni Houthis carried it out.

Shamkhani is a former commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps and a rear-admiral.

The brief statement does not say if the “planned attack” was supposed to happen during the recent nationwide protests or it preceded the unrest.

Islamic Republic officials have portrayed the protesters as "enemy agents" and part of a conspiracy against the ruling establishment.

Earlier, the spokesman of President Hassan Rouhani’s administration had alluded to an alleged attack planned to happen during the protests and thwarted by the authorities. The spokesman also did not present any details or evidence.

Islamic Republic officials often make statements about plots against the country’s security or terror groups, rarely presenting any evidence.