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Two Dead, Hundreds Critically Ill From Food Poisoning At Iraqi IDP Camp

An Iraqi woman carries a child at the Al-Khazir camp for internally displaced people.
An Iraqi woman carries a child at the Al-Khazir camp for internally displaced people.

Two people have died and hundreds are critically ill from what Iraq's health minister says was food poisoning at a camp for internally displaced people (IDPs) near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

Health Minister Adila Hamud said on June 13 that a total of 752 people became ill after eating a meal the previous evening at the camp in Al-Khazir, between Mosul and Irbil.

Authorities say a woman and a girl died while at least 300 people remained in critical condition on June 13.

Hamud said the food was provided by a nongovernmental organization. She did not say whether the poisoning was suspected of being intentional.

Zahed Khatoun, a member of the parliament's committee for displaced people, said people started vomiting and some fainted after eating "iftar," the evening meal when Muslims break their dawn-to-dusk Ramadan fast.

The Kurdish Rudaw news agency reported that the food was prepared at a restaurant in Irbil and brought to the camp by a Qatari charity.

The camp houses thousands of people displaced by an Iraqi military offensive aimed at recapturing Mosul from Islamic State militants.

Based on reporting by Reuters, AP, and the BBC