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Bus In Fatal University Accident 'Had No Technical Inspection' - MP

The old bus that crashed in Azad University killing nine students on December 25, 2018.
The old bus that crashed in Azad University killing nine students on December 25, 2018.

A member of parliament’s education commission says that a bus which crashed on December 25, killing 9 university students and injuring 28 others did not have technical inspection and was a salvage vehicle.

The bus crashed happened on the sprawling hilly campus of Tehran's Azad university.

In the wake of the accident students held consecutive days of protests demanding the resignation of university's top officials., including the head of its board of trustees, who is a top advisor to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Some protests still continue.

Mirhemayat Mirzadeh, quoting university officials that the university’s contract with the company, which leased the vehicle, specified that all buses must be Mercedes Benz or Scania, but this was an old Iranian made bus.

Mirzadeh further disclosed that the driver had multiple driving violations and had received warnings.