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Iran Sources Say Intelligence Leaks Helped US Target And Kill Soleimani
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Iran Sources Say Intelligence Leaks Helped US Target And Kill Soleimani

A picture of Qassem Soleimani, head of the elite Qods Force, who was killed in an air strike, is seen on the former U.S. Embassy's building in Tehran, January 7, 2020
A picture of Qassem Soleimani, head of the elite Qods Force, who was killed in an air strike, is seen on the former U.S. Embassy's building in Tehran, January 7, 2020

A member of the powerful National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of Majles (Iranian parliament) says that informants, leaking intelligence, played a pivotal role in the targeted killing of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Qods Force (IRGCQF) Chief Commander, Qassem Soleimani.

However, Mohammad Javad Nobandegani insisted that it is not yet clear from where the American drone that hit and killed Soleimani was launched.

Earlier, the Islamic Republic Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had asserted that the killer drone was launched from the U.S. base at Ain al-Assad in the province of Anbar, western Iraq.

"Iran---has targeted the very same base from which Washington has directed its missiles at senior Iranian officials and citizens with a cowardly attack," Zarif said in a tweet.

Furthermore, the IRGC-run Tasnim news agency reported on Tuesday, January 14, several traitors leaked Soleimani's itinerary that led to targeting and killing him.

However, the agency stopped short of elaborating on the details.

On July 9, Reuters reported, investigators have focused on how suspected informants inside the Damascus and Baghdad airports collaborated with the U.S. military to help track and pinpoint Soleimani's position.

"There are strong indications that a network of spies inside Baghdad Airport was involved in leaking sensitive security details on Soleimani's arrival” to the United States, Reuters cited "informed sources” as saying.

Earlier, the representative of the city of Rasht to Majles, Gholam Ali Jafarzadeh, had also announced that IRGC's fearsome Intelligence Organization had initiated an investigation into Qassem Soleimani's killing.