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Iran Guards Launch Drone, Missile Attacks Against Kurdish Insurgents
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Iran Guards Launch Drone, Missile Attacks Against Kurdish Insurgents

Photo showing Iran's bombing of a KDP base in 2019.
Photo showing Iran's bombing of a KDP base in 2019.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) announced on Monday, August 3, that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) had launched a drone and missile attack on its bases in Iran-Iraq border areas.

"The Peshmerga forces did not suffer any casualties in the attacks," the anti-Islamic Republic party tweeted.

A website that disseminates Kurdish-related news cited the head of the Kurdistan Peshmerga Command – affiliated with KDPI - as saying, "The strikes hit the mountainous Barbzin area of Erbil, close to the Kurdistan Autonomous Region in Iraq and the Iran border."

However, the KDPI official cited, Kawa Bahrami reiterated that the drones targeted KDPI bases with missiles but failed to leave any casualty.

Earlier on June 17, Iranian local news outlets reported that the IRGC had launched rocket attacks on the Kurdistan KDPI and Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan in the Alaneh, Chuman, and Haji Omran heights. The region is located on the border between Iranian Kurdistan province and Iraqi autonomous Kurdistan.

The Islamic Republic's official news agency, IRNA, reported a day later that as the IRGC continued its artillery attacks, the leaders of the KDPI, Mostafa Hijri (Hejri) and Khalid Azizi, "ordered their forces" to return to their main camp in Koy Sanjaq, in northern Iraq.

IRNA reported that members of Komala and two KDPI factions were "relocated" on that date, moving to other mountainous areas in northern Iraq to establish new bases in more remote areas.

The IRGC attacks on June 17 coincided with Turkish Army airstrikes and artillery attacks on PKK positions in the Haftanin area of northern Iraq.

According to Rudaw, since 2016, several the Iranian Kurdish parties, including the KDPI, have transferred their bases from populated areas of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region in Iraq to the border with Iran.

"The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has called on armed Iranian Kurdish opposition groups not to launch attacks against neighboring countries from Kurdistan Region territory," Rudaw reported on August 3.