The chief commander of Iran's revolutionary guards (IRGC) General Hossein Salami says the guards are fully prepared to face "arrogant powers," Tasnim news agency reported.
The term “arrogant powers” usually refers to the West, particularly to the United States.
Speaking at the IRGC naval Academy in Rasht near the Caspian Sea on Wednesday October 9, Salami said, "The sea is a determining combat theater and IRGC naval forces are fully prepared to defend the Iranian nation's positions."
Meanwhile, he said that "the enemies are weak before Iranian forces, nevertheless, we never underestimate their power and remain combat ready."
Salami added that the IRGC's mission is to keep the arrogant powers far from "the heart of Islam," adding that this justifies Iran's efforts "to extend its strategic depth in the region."
Iran has been grooming and supporting proxy forces all over the Middle East and has played a key role in the Syrian civil war in helping Bashar Assad defeat opposition forces. The United States and its allies are alarmed by Iran’s regional policies and are demanding Tehran change its “behavior”.
Salami also said, "Forty years after the Islamic evolution, the Islamic Republic can now defeat its enemies," adding that the Iranian armed forces' biggest achievement during these years has been boosting its self-confidence.
During the past 40 years, Iranian armed forces have experienced real combat situation only in the 1980s in a war against Iraq which lasted 8 years and ended inconclusively with hundreds of thousands of casualties and many billions of dollars of losses on both sides.