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Erdogan Says Those 'Behind Iraq Protests" Want To Export Unrest To Iran
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Erdogan Says Those 'Behind Iraq Protests" Want To Export Unrest To Iran

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a joint press conference with Hungarian Prime Minister at Varkert Bazar cultural center in Budapest, November 7, 2019
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a joint press conference with Hungarian Prime Minister at Varkert Bazar cultural center in Budapest, November 7, 2019

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdоgаn has speculated that he knows who is behind the recent anti-establishment uprising in Iraq, and they probably planned to spread the protests into Iran.

Referring to the widespread anti-Islamic Republic slogans protesters chant in Iraq's mainly Shi'ite populated regions, as well as the attack on Tehran's consulate in the city of Karbala, Erdogan argued, "We can guess who is behind the unrest in Iraq. Our analysis points to the fact that spreading the protests into Iran is on their agenda."

Furthermore, during remarks in Hungary November 8, he concluded that the unnamed conspirators behind the deadly protests in Iraq were after "dividing the Islamic World."

On November 9, Iran's official news agency IRNA quoted Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif thanking Erdogan for his "clarifying remarks", during a meeting with Turkey's foreign minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu.

Iraqis have been protesting in the streets and since October 1 to voice their anger at unemployment and widespread governmental corruption, has so far left nearly 300 dead, and thousands more injured.

Earlier, the Islamic Republic Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had also insisted that the protests in Iraq have been "cooked up" by the "enemy" (the U.S., Saudi Arabia).

Turkey, Iran and Qatar represent an anti-Saudi front in the Middle East, although they might have disagreements on other issues.

Sреаkіng tо rероrtеrѕ оn thе sidelines оf his visit to Hungаrу, Erdоgаn аlѕо сrіtісіzеd Irаn'ѕ reaction to Turkey’s military incursion into nоrthеrn Syria.

Iran's роѕіtіоn оn thе operation, Erdogan asserted, had "offended" Turkеу.

Iran opposed Turkey's military operation in Syria from the beginning. Erdogan retaliated by blaming the Islamic Republic President Hassan Rouhani for his failure to silence Iranian voices opposing Turkey's military invasion of Syria.